Warwick Castle

Anyone that knows me knows that I kind of really want to work as a face character in Disneyland. So, it’s safe to say visiting castles is something I enjoy because I love feeling like a princess. (Can you really blame a girl?) And, you know, history is cool too.

Warwick castle was originally built in 1068 by William the conqueror and when you think about it, that’s kind of insane. Since then, it’s been owned by 36 different families, hosted many a member of royalty, and like most castles has its fair share of bloody history.

Now the castle is owned by an entertainment group which caters to tourists. It’s kind of a bummer because it’s set up like a Disneyland attraction rather than an authentic piece of history. Don’t get me wrong, I love me some Disneyland, but look at these tacky mannaquins!

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Despite the (somtimes distasteful) reconstructions, I can see why they chose to set the castle up this way. It makes it more relatable to have reconstructions rather than just a barren castle. It’s also a really good set up for educational purposes, especially for younger children. And okay, maybe I’m being too judgemental, because I was super stoked that all the staterooms were set to the Victorian period (aka what I’m studying) and I was allowed to touch everything. Including these editions of Shakespeare’s works from the 1830’s.


Just kidding, I wasn’t really supposed to touch them.


There was a fair amount to see outside of the castle rooms too. On top of the mound there was an absolutely gorgeous view of the River Avon and the surrounding castle grounds.



There was also, a castle tower which has a great view as long as you can make the climb!

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All in all, Warwick castle was great fun!

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